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Alone at Christmas? Single Bells Rock: Ten Reasons to Celebrate Being Unattached

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Ten Reason’s to Celebrate Being Unattached

51% of single people say they 'dread Christmas' because it makes them feel lonely - but there are many ways to approach the season with positivity and optimism.

It’s no surprise: Christmas can feel especially tough when you're single. Everything from festive films to Christmas party invitations with that eye-rolling 'plus one' addition - everyone seems to be telling us that Christmas is the season for love.

So, who is most at risk of feeling down about being alone at Christmas? Interestingly, Men worry about being single at Christmas more than women, due to increasing pressure to 'settle down', with just under half of men saying that this pressure came from the need to keep up with friends, while 39% said they wanted to be a relationship in order to start a family.

Now, headlines everywhere will give you advice on ‘surviving’ the festivities when you’re single, as though not being in a relationship can increase your levels of mortality. And we've already explored in our previous REDDI blog, Cuffing Season? No Thanks. We're Looking for a (Happily) Cuffed Life, the idea of not having a partner at this time of year is apparently so depressing that there’s even a dating trend in order to combat it.

But we beg to differ. You can still have a truly sensational festive season while owning your single status and remaining open to any opportunities for romance that come your way. Here are ten reasons why the season is still yours for the taking.

1. It's all about... you!

You can enjoy quality time with your family and friends without having to juggle another person’s schedule, too. Your time is all your own! Take excessively long lie-ins, hour-long baths and days on the sofa if you want to - you simply have no one to answer to.

2. You can swerve present politics

Finding the perfect presents for your partner is a minefield in itself, but when your other half lumbers you with the task of finding a gift for his or her Mum, Grandma, Sister and Great Aunt Rose (who you've only met once in passing...), Christmas shopping can really begin to lose its appeal. Plus, instead of being bought random unwanted gifts and having to feign your joy… you can buy precisely what you want - for yourself!

3. The World is your oyster

Want to spend Christmas volunteering at a food bank or homeless shelter? Do it. Can’t wait to be back in your childhood bedroom, unpacking your stocking in your PJs (even though you’re 35)? Go for it. Want to spend it reading on a beach in Thailand with a cocktail in your hand? That's fine, too.

Being single often means you have more freedom to do what you want at Christmas - that might mean doing everything, or it might mean doing absolutely nothing. But the choice is truly yours.

4. You can forget festive fallouts

With romantic partners often come in-laws. And with in-laws, logistics and present-buying politics, Christmas is a notorious catalyst for sulking, bickering and rows when you are part of a couple. Phew!

5. Christmas Day is yours alone

Relationships are - and should be - all about compromising and meeting each other halfway. But when you're single, you can do what you want, where you want and with whom you want. how fantastic is that?

If you want to arrive home on Christmas morning at 5am and surface at 11am just in time for the opening of the Quality Street, then that's your prerogative. Enjoy!

6. You can feel empowered

Lap up the empowerment of doing everything you’re expected to do in a couple on your own or with friends. Take in some Christmas markets, try ice skating and tasting every single coffee chain’s festive drink offerings. Rewrite the rules and know the obsession with romantic relationships is one we might all feel, but needn't, if we're to enjoy all that the season has to offer.

7. You don't have to spread yourself too thinly

When you have another half, you tend to spend most - if not all - of your time with them. The exciting romantic stage transforms into some sort of domestic idyll. Weeks can go by before you realise you haven’t caught up with your friends.

So being single is a time when you can truly dedicate the time that you want with the people who you like the most. Go out to dinner and drinks. Rekindle all of your relationships with people who you haven't connected with in a while!

8. You don't have to share that remote control

When you are in a relationship you can spend hours of each week negotiating what to watch - so individuals often 'settle' on something to watch together for the duration of the series. However, this Christmas you can watch whatever you want. Die Hard (is that even a Christmas film...?) Love Actually? Elf (twice in a row)? The battle of the remote control has already been won - by you.

9. There's time for self-care

Whether you want to eat a whole box of chocolates, or spend an hour in a warm bubble bath, you can spend the Christmas season looking after you. There’s no need to worry about anyone else, and you shouldn't feel obliged to go our partying or looking for love. Spend an evening reading, meditating, or planning your future, writing your blog. Face mask, lovely, nutritious food and a good book? It’s not selfish, it’s self-care (and it's all yours)!

10. You can plan for the future you want

Sometimes, you need to be alone to learn how to love and get to know yourself. It can be all too easy to lose yourself in mediocre relationships - so use this time to form a great relationship with yourself, so that you're truly ready to find something special, if that's what you want for the future.

There are many reasons to celebrate your single status at Christmas, And of course, should you meet someone during the festive season then that's great, too!

Once all the festive goodies have been consumed and the decorations taken down, you can start thinking again about finding love - when you are ready to do that. January is the busiest time of year on dating websites, so why not use your downtime to brush up your profile and get ready to start connecting with others?

In the meantime, we hope that you have a truly wonderful Christmas and thoroughly enjoy the season - regardless of your relationship status.

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