Founder Blog: How You Could be Dating in 2035.....
A few years ago, I watched a video which was published by the dating legend Matthew Hussey on his social media platform. This video was not one of his own, but instead a production by Ryan Turner, a highly talented Director. The multi-award-nominated video was incredible and for me, made a deep impact.
The short movie was entitled 'A Date in 2025'.
It's 14 minutes long, and if you have time it is well worth a watch - but the synopsis is as follows:
'When Daniel's super-intelligent A.I. 'Counsellor' (much like Siri on steroids), finds out that he's been dreaming about one of the girls in his virtual class, it persuades him to ask her out on a date - by convincing him that if he doesn't go he will, according to all statistical probabilities, kill himself. It's a tall order for a guy who hasn't left his apartment in 42 days and is more than happy to stay at home with his 2025 technology.'
You may ask 'What has this got to do with Reddi?' Well, at the same time I watched this movie I was also reading about 'celibacy syndrome' - so for those of you who have no idea what that is, let me give you a brief overview.
If we take a look at Japan's under-40s for example, who have been reported to have lost interest in conventional relationships. Millions aren't even dating, and increasing numbers can't even be bothered with sex. For their government, 'celibacy syndrome' is part of a looming national catastrophe. Japan already has one of the world's lowest birth rates. It's population of 126 million, which has been shrinking for the past decade, is projected to plunge a further one-third by 2060. Aoyama believes the country is experiencing 'a flight from human intimacy' – if you want to read more about that you can do so here.
Again, why the relevance to Reddi? Please stay with me here because I'll get there..!
I want to go back to when I first started to look into solo IVF. Many of you will already be aware - it is not how I had imagined I would have a child, nor make up a family. I absolutely wanted the partner - someone who I loved, and someone who loved me in return. But, I've never been a person who would simply settle for anyone - nor had I met the person I wanted to do the whole family thing with. Still, if I'd have had a choice - going solo wouldn't have been mine (this doesn't mean I regret my decision, or am unhappy with it either).
I'm not alone in this mindset. I spoke with the lovely Mel Johnstone from The Stork & I, who has also done some research around the topic, and has discovered that 95% of women would have also preferred to find a partner.
Despite this, there are 1000's of women going down the solo IVF route, which prompts the question: why? What is going so wrong in relationships that 95% of women who choose solo IVF do so because they have not been able to find someone?
Now, I can't miss men out here. If some many women are choosing solo IVF, then what is going on with men? Do they actually want children? Are they having awful relationship experiences, too? Why are people not connecting? Worst still - if you were in a similar position as me, but you were a man - what options would you have? Moreover, as a man, society hasn't really given you permission to care about your sperm quality, has it?
In fact, in society we have glamorised wealth, success, and job titles - and have been sold the idea that family and relationships matter far less than that next deal we are chasing.
Yet - we are miserable. We are lonely, anxious, and depressed.
So, the title of this is blog is 'How You Could be Dating in 2035'..... the title of my nightmares. You see in my nightmare, celibacy syndrome has kicked in, women are all having solo IVF, and men are just walking to and from work, feeling miserable and lonely. People are having relationships with Jim and Jane - their A.I. bot. Human relationships have almost disappeared.
You see, I have many reasons to have founded Reddi, and this is one of them too: human happiness is key - and relationships have a huge part to play.
So, my promise to you, is that I have made it my mission to make sure this NEVER HAPPENS - not on my watch, anyways.
BUT, I need you help - as we grow as an app, word of mouth is key, in addition to our early adopters, who are keen to help us shape how we deliver the app. We are always looking for feedback so that we can continue to remain at your service.
Until next time,
Founder | REDDI