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Men: Given Up on Dating? Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't

Stacy | Founder

Man a sleep at his desk
Online dating can be relentlessly tough. But small changes can make a big impact.

Whether a dating hiatus is spurred by a noncommittal partner, a string of bad meet-ups, or a tough breakup, some people - especially men - decide that they're done playing the dating game.

Have you given up on dating? Rather than labelling the whole process as 'pointless', we're here to remind you of five key reasons not to throw in the towel just yet.

1.) Your main source of happiness is worth searching for

As the famous quote teaches us: "You should choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision alone will come 90% of your happiness..."

If you give up on trying to find the one thing that could have such an enormous impact on your prospective life happiness, then you may well be limiting yourself. Is this really worth quitting, just because it started to become a little challenging?

Loving relationships are known to sustain us, define us, and keep us healthy, and the goal of any relationship is to make us better - whether we're helping our partner or they are helping us. They can also lead to ultimate fulfilment and long term commitment through partnership and family.

The work may be hard, but the stakes are high.

2. You can still gain from each experience

If you give up on dating, you might miss out on meeting some amazing people. Even if they aren't the love of your life - or even if a date ends in disaster - you’ll still leave the experience having learned a lesson, with a great story and potentially some excellent insight into what you want and how to get it.

One tip is to go into each date looking to learn about that person, and about life - rather than being purely focused upon the potential outcome. This makes dating much more enjoyable regardless of the outcome.

3. It only takes one

It’s easy to forget that if you are dating for a serious relationship, you are only looking for one special person. While it might take you a while to find 'The One', don't forget the key point: that it also only takes one. You only need to find your person once, and this could put you on the right course for the rest of your life. But you cannot expect this to happen if you give up on dating. As clichéd as it may sound - you do miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

So remember: the right person may be waiting just around the corner, at the literal click of a button. Sure, take a break if you need to every now and then, but never give up on love. In business, it's a well known fact that nothing worthwhile ever comes easy - relationships take time to build, and the big projects require patience and persistence. The same applies when looking for a prospective partner.

4. Something worth having is worth the work

Love is a big deal and truly something to be cherished. There’s someone for everyone, and it’s amazing when you find that special someone.

But if you’re serious about finding love, you have to put the effort into it. Approach it like you would a coveted job. You would dress your best for interviews, get your résumé (or dating profile) in order, and figure out how to make great first impressions until you find that fabulous opportunity.

If you approach dating with similar passion and effort, you’ll have a much better chance at finding love.

5. Perseverance brings success

If meeting and building a future with someone is really important to you, then it’s worth putting in the effort to find them, which won’t happen if you quit.

Do not give up. Instead, try putting in the effort to give your dating profile one last big push, especially if you’ve been offline for a while. Online dating profiles do get tired, so revamp yours with new pictures, a new narrative and ask a friend to contribute some new words too. Transforming your profile like this can help transform your love life, and will up your chances of meeting that special someone, who may be out there searching for you at this very moment.

We all deserve a great and fulfilling future; now is the time to take ownership of yours.

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